What's to come.
The Breed Demo. » Devlog

80% of the full game done
- Added 3 Bosses
- 6 new areas
- 5 new enemy types
- npc followers on a few sections
- refined story line
- a status system to check you ammo and health
Hopefully i can meet my Halloween deadline, I think it would suit the game on that release date.
I didn't wanna show too much but I'm happy of some of the results and there are a few head aches because of things I kept adding and removing but I'm satisfied with the core game, I enjoy specially one of the boss battles I've added in.
I hope everyone enjoys the demo more to come soon!
Get The Breed Demo.
The Breed Demo.
The Breed a Horror Action Game set in the Philippines.
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- Today is the day! I hope everything works fine!Nov 23, 2021
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